Chiropractic Care: A Safe, Natural Way to Enhance Your Health
Chiropractic coverage can be included by cost-conscious insurance programs such as Medicare, worker’s compensation, Healthy Families and the Veterans Administration system, and most other group health plans. Is chiropractic covered in your current health plan?
If chiropractic is not yet covered in your Medicare or group insurance plan, you might be surprised to find out that chiropractic treatments offer a cost-effective and long-lasting savings for you and your family.
Here are the benefits of adding chiropractic to your health care plan:
A Cost-Effective Solution for Your Family’s Medicare Insurance Plan
Chiropractic adjustment is the preferred treatment option for millions of people across the country. Not only can chiropractic offer immediate pain relief, it also promotes whole-body healing and overall wellness.
Spinal adjustment and joint manipulation helps optimize total body performance, and offers a wide variety of health benefits, from stress relief, reduced blood pressure, to preventative pain management. Chiropractic care treats the body as a whole, allowing patients to strengthen surrounding areas of the injured area to speed up the healing process.
Chiropractic works to help you and your family develop healthy habits for better spine health, as well as enjoy a more active lifestyle with a healthy back, bones, and joints.
Studies have shown that chiropractic is a cost-effective solution for treating injuries. One of the major benefits of chiropractic is that regular treatment can help save on costly medical expenses such as medicinal drugs and hospital admission. More so, chiropractic has shown to increase immunity in both children and adults.
Chiropractic is an effective treatment for a number of physical injuries and medical conditions, as well as a method of preventative therapy to maintain wellness. The upfront cost of chiropractic care is small compared to the lifelong rewards of increased mobility, decreased pain, and a greater quality of life.
Dr. Les Pachter is an experienced chiropractor that can develop a treatment plan for symptoms of specific medical conditions, including drug-free pain management. With proper spinal adjustment to the afflicted area, along with an at-home routine of recommended exercise, Dr. Pachter’s patients experience a reduction in pain and symptoms, along with an increase in mobility.
If you have any questions regarding Medicare, your current health insurance policy, or other chiropractic services, contact our office today and learn more about what Dr. Pachter can do for you and your loved ones.